Australia Day …and the process of drawing a funny cartoon

For this Monday I have a motorbike related cartoon. To cut to the chase, here it is: It's not really MotoGP related. This year on Australia Day (January 26 if you're outside Australia), the Victorian Police made it quite clear...

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Marc Marquez for 2015

The main question here is; will Marc Marquez win the title wan this year? We'll see. Let's play the Nostradamus game. I might add to this post at the end of the MotoGP season. So let' make a prediction. It won't...

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More of “Je is Charlie” cartoon

I had tome to draw up another Charlie Hebdo cartoon. I like this one. Although I've been told already that it has been drawn already a number of times. To be honest, it doesn't surprise me. I can't see everything...

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A Charlie Hebdo Cartoon

Terrible news this morning about the shooting in Paris. I just wanted to start a new category about political cartoons when the news broke. Like most of us who are in the art industry are shocked by this act. Let's remember...

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Goat cartoon, the latest one!

This is my latest goat cartoon. Also it's the first goat cartoon for you to see on this site. Confused? Don't be. I have quite a bunch of goatee cartoons. Not all on this site yet. So what I might do,...

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Slow Motion MotoGP Cartoon

I draw all the times. I think that's good. I send the cartoons away and some get published, some don't. I send one bike related cartoon every Monday to AMCN, or Australian Motorcycle News. I send them sketches and...

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