Week 52: World Challenge

The World challenge is a good one. Any topic could have been used. I thought I give it a bit of a story. Due to the constant destruction of the nature, the goats have decided to move one and...

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Food, too much food

There is soo much food this time of the year. Food everywhere. Before you know you want to go for a ride and your leathers won't fit anymore. Can anyone of you relate to this? Sure you can, otherwise...

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Week 51, Family Challenge

Do you have a Family photo where everyone is smiling and not pulling faces? You probably do, but I bet with you, it wasn't the first take. With the goats it's the same. They never want to stand still...

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Toy run, Biker surprise.

The toy run is an event that is held every year. It's when bikers are getting together and deliver toys to families and kids that can't afford a christmas toy. It's been run for many years now. I don't...

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Week 50, Party Goat Challenge

Party time! where there is food, there will be a party. The kids have worked out to have a party in the pig sty. The pigs don't mind. There is food for everyone and the pigs don't mind sharing...

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The Friday Toilet Cartoons, page 89 to 92, gravity

Welcome to our latest compilation of our friends adventures on a teleport toilet. Everything is strange about this comic. We haven't had much time to relax and it looks like there isn't much relaxin in the near future either....

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Week 49. History Goat Challenge

History is the theme of the week. I was toying with this idea for a while now and I finally did it. I wasn't sure how it will turn out. I think I managed okay. It's probably the darkest...

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Week 48: Warm Goat challenge

Can you have a warm bath outside in winter? If you go to the hot springs in Japan, you can. The local monkeys have done this for many many years. The warm water in those pools are ideal for...

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Goat Calendar for sale

Do you want a goat calendar? You should try this. I have created a goat calendar. It' called "Did you know that goats are fun?". Of course you did. You should be able to find it here: Goat Calendar 2016 just...

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