How cool are dung beetles? What? You don’t like dung beetles? Well, you got a point, all they do is moving sh#t around. But they are important, we need them. If there is no dung beetle we would be literally knee deep in that unwanted stuff.

Bonus Dung Beetle c s

You can thank Martina for this cartoon. She is the master of all dung beetles. Actually she’s a master of all sorts of things. She asked me if I could draw something with dung beetles in it. Sure, why not. I like a good challenge.

Do you want to know more about her? This is where you can find Martina. Her site is well established. It’s worth a good look around.

Thanks for stopping by.



Commenting area

  1. Now that drawing is beauty to the eye… odour free too from the comforts of my computer chair. Thanks for sharing Danny!

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