How I draw a simple caricature

What are Caricatures? They are, what I call them, twisted versions of a portrait. Are they hard? Caricatures can be tricky to draw. There is no right or wrong. The only thing I would suggest is to practice. Practice, practice and more practice.

I do a lot of the caricatures these days digitally. You might say that isn’t right. They need to be drawn by hand. Well, I haven’t mastered the art of caricature with my feet yet. So drawing on a tablet or a computer is just another tool. I still draw by hand. As you can see, the sketch is imported into the program and the process is more or less the same as on paper.

This character here is a friend of mine. Let’s call him Bruce. Bruce is nice. I did him a favour and twisted his face up a bit. You see, caricatures can be as wild as you like. As long as you can still see the person. There are some artists that work almost in realistic styles, others are way out there. I’m all over the shop.

I present you this little video as a small insight of how I draw. It’s only a small window. I hope you enjoy it. You can always request more of these videos. I have heaps.

Enjoy the video



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