Are you ready for yet another challenge? Good! We are now in Week seven in the Farm challenge. Goats are at home in a farm.

07 Farm c

You know that goats have names for other farm animals? No? You see, horses are Longfaces, cows are Milkbars and cats are Fluffbums. The list goes on and on. You get to meet all the other names as the challenge goes on.

Generally goats have quite a presence on the farm. They think they are top animal. They are smart, you got to give them that. If you do something, they watch you and learn. If its of benefit to them they try to use it, like opening a gate. With usually leads to upgraded security in the goat cage.

They are also very good at sussing out the food bucket and then open it. That usually requires a few blows and clobbers with the horns and hardly any food container stands a chance.

That’s farm life with goats for you.


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