Can this get any worse? This guy is all over the shop with his teleporting. He gets himself into all sorts of trouble all the time.
Any guesses where this is? That’s right, they are in Paris. Many years ago they had a steam train overshooting the “gare” or train station, ending up in a very similar situation.
This was an interesting one to draw. Paris is so picturesque. It’s just hard to get it all into such a small frame. At least he didn’t fall for the temptation and head into another disaster.
Paris is such a pretty place, you might as well stay and do some touristy things. The cues are usually quite long and it’s not cheap to go up the Eiffel Tower.
Since they have no money they resign to sit it all out. But this was the Easter Weekend and people are generous. They gave them money and chocolate. Obviously “Slash, the turd” isn’t impressed with the description of him. Will they part company?
Find out next time
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